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# S - signed
# U - unsigned
# P - pseudo-instruction
# Arithmetic
add t1, t2, t3
addi t1, t2, -100
sub t1, t2, t3
neg t1, t2 # (P)
# Logical
and t1, t2, t3
andi t1, t2, -100
or t1, t2, t3
ori t1, t2, -100
xor t1, t2, t3
xori t1, t2, -100
not t1, t2 # (P)
# Shifts
sll t1, t2, t3 # left logical
slli t1, t2, 33 # left logical
sra t1, t2, t3 # right arithmetic (S)
srai t1, t2, 33 # right arithmetic (S)
srl t1, t2, t3 # right logical (U)
srli t1, t2, 33 # right logical (U)
# Multiplication
mul t1, t2, t3 # t1 <- t2*t3[31:0]
mulh t1, t2, t3 # t1 <- t2*t3[63:32] (S)
mulhu t1, t2, t3 # t1 <- t2*t3[63:32] (U)
mulhsu t1, t2, t3 # t1 <- t2*t3[63:32] (t2 S, t3 U)
# Division, remainder
div t1, t2, t3 # S
divu t1, t2, t3 # U
rem t1, t2, t3 # S
remu t1, t2, t3 # U
# Load value from memory at (t2-100) to t1
lb t1, -100(t2) # sign-extended 8-bit
lbu t1, -100(t2) # zero-extended 8-bit
lh t1, -100(t2) # sign-extended 16-bit
lhu t1, -100(t2) # zero-extended 16-bit
lw t1, -100(t2) # 32-bit
# Store value t1 to memory at (t2-100)
sb t1, -100(t2) # 8-bit
sh t1, -100(t2) # 16-bit
sw t1, -100(t2) # 32-bit
# System
# Upper immediates
lui t1, imm # t1 <- imm << 12
auipc t1, imm # t1 <- pc + (imm << 12)
# Other
mv t1, t2 # t1 <- t2 (P)
li t1, 1000 # t1 <- 1000 (P)
la t1, label # t1 <- label (P)
nop # no operation (P)
# Branches
beq t1, t2, target # if t1 == t2
bne t1, t2, target # if t1 != t2
blt t1, t2, target # if t1 < t2 (S)
bltu t1, t2, target # if t1 < t2 (U)
bgt t1, t2, target # if t1 > t2 (S) (P)
bgtu t1, t2, target # if t1 > t2 (U) (P)
ble t1, t2, target # if t1 <= t2 (S) (P)
bleu t1, t2, target # if t1 <= t2 (U) (P)
bge t1, t2, target # if t1 >= t2 (S)
bgeu t1, t2, target # if t1 >= t2 (U)
beqz t1, target # if t1 == 0 (P)
bnez t1, target # if t1 != 0 (P)
bltz t1, target # if t1 < 0 (P)
bgtz t1, target # if t1 > 0 (P)
blez t1, target # if t1 <= 0 (P)
bgez t1, target # if t1 >= 0 (P)
# Comparisons
slt t1, t2, t3 # t1 <- t2 < t3 (S)
sltu t1, t2, t3 # t1 <- t2 < t3 (U)
slti t1, t2, -100 # t1 <- t2 < -100 (S)
sltiu t1, t2, -100 # t1 <- t2 < -100 (U)
sgt t1, t2, t3 # t1 <- t2 > t3 (S) (P)
sgtu t1, t2, t3 # t1 <- t2 > t3 (U) (P)
seqz t1, t2 # t1 <- t2 == 0 (P)
snez t1, t2 # t1 <- t2 != 0 (P)
sltz t1, t2 # t1 <- t2 < 0 (P)
sgtz t1, t2 # t1 <- t2 > 0 (P)
# Jump and link
jal t1, target # t1 <- pc+4; pc = target
jal target # ra <- pc+4; pc = target (P)
j target # pc = target (P)
b target # pc = target (P)
jalr t1, t2, -100 # t1 <- pc+4; pc = t2-100
jalr t2, -100 # ra <- pc+4; pc = t2-100 (P)
jalr t2 # ra <- pc+4; pc = t2 (P)
jr t2, -100 # pc = t2-100 (P)
jr t2 # pc = t2 (P)
ret # pc = ra (P)
Register ABI name Saver
x0 zero --
x1 ra Caller
x2 sp Callee
x3 gp --
x4 tp Callee
x5-x7 t0-t2 Caller
x8 s0/fp Callee
x9 s1 Callee
x10-x17 a0-a7 Caller
x18-x27 s2-s11 Callee
x28-x31 t3-t6 Caller
Sys. calls
1 PrintInt
2 PrintFloat
3 PrintDouble
4 PrintString
5 ReadInt
6 ReadFloat
7 ReadDouble
8 ReadString
9 Sbrk
10 Exit
11 PrintChar
12 ReadChar
17 GetCWD
30 Time
31 MidiOut
32 Sleep
33 MidiOutSync
34 PrintIntHex
35 PrintIntBinary
36 PrintIntUnsigned
40 RandSeed
41 RandInt
42 RandIntRange
43 RandFloat
44 RandDouble
50 ConfirmDialog
51 InputDialogInt
52 InputDialogFloat
53 InputDialogDouble
54 InputDialogString
55 MessageDialog
56 MessageDialogInt
57 Close
58 MessageDialogDouble
59 MessageDialogString
60 MessageDialogFloat
62 LSeek
63 Read
64 Write
93 Exit2
# code section
# data section
.byte x
.half x
.word x
.dword x
.float x
.double x
# align to 2^n
.align n
# reserve n bytes
.space n
# chars
.ascii "abc"
# null-terminated chars
.asciz "abc"
# alias for .asciz
.string "abc"
.globl f
.eqv N, 10
.include "abc.asm"
Презентация (43.8 КБ)